
© Christian Filardo

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Christian Filardo

Brooklyn, New York

Artist Statement

Filardo's work exists as a culmination of a decade long photographic practice mixed with a developing poetry practice. Currently, themes in Filardo's work revolve around theology, genealogy, mixed race diaspora, punk themes, drug use, and the cosmos. Through various interests in cinema, music, and spiritual practices Filardo mixes a wide range of themes into potent photographic sequences, books, and exhibitions. Filardo is currently working on a body of work revolving around angels, aliens, the cosmos, and childhood nostalgia. How those themes touch upon what it means to be a mixed race non binary person in today's world.

© Christian Filardo

Christian Filardo's Portfolio

© Christian Filardo

Artist Biography

Christian Michael Filardo is a Filipino American artist living and working in Brooklyn, New York. Their work utilizes photography, poetry, and sequencing to create complex visual narratives. Filardo’s latest works have focused around human happiness, climate change, and trans humanist philosophy. Currently, Filardo is developing a body of work based around theology, alien myth, ancestral history, and drug use. Often, Filardo works in show and book form when developing bodies of work. Their latest show “Gradient of Happiness” opened at The Material Room in Richmond, Virginia. Their exhibition "The Backyard of Heaven" is forthcoming at Nightclub in Minneapolis, MN. Their latest publication “The Purple Pill” is out now on Pomegranate Press. Collecting over ten years of photographing and blurring the line between reality and the surreal.



© Christian Filardo

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