Artist Statement
She is deafened by the coaxing lies
The shining hands also try to blind her eyes
Her brain is pierced to make her comply
All the curses make her lose her soul and mind
Splitting in half, violently they rive
Removing her existence, they rip her while she is alive
Gouging her in the eyes, she couldn’t defy
Cutting her mouth off, she couldn’t even sigh
I hear her scream when I walk by
I catch her in the air when she falls from the sky
I lift her up to let her tears dry
I wring her tears out while she asks why
I let her rest in my palm so then she can go back to the fight
It is life
To all the pain and hurt, we shall say goodbye
In the end, everything will be ok and we will all be all right
This body of work is Jung’s response to the societal pressure she’s received as a woman, an Asian immigrant, and a former scientist. Each of the works, which the artist refers to as photo sculptures, is composed of mixed media and addresses the different stages in the process of empowering, healing, and setting herself free, along with redefining her identity for herself rather than by “external expectations” and “social norms”.