Artist Statement
His research involves sculptural objects, mapped video projections, mechatronic installations and theatrical plays toying with the idea of animating objects. Speculating about a possible post-anthropocenic scenario, the work brings together technological apparatus – from simple motors and electronical circuits to machine learning and AI – and a theatrical atmosphere to create mechanisms that follow different internal logics. The instability and flaws in these fragile machines add some kind of personality to their performances.
With the recurrent absence of a main character or a narrative element, from this empty centre, attention gets dispersed into infrastructural elements of the works. The interest in the dramatic arts in recent years has given a theatricality to his objects and installations which are animated by mechanical movements and interpret dramaturgy and choreographies; often in an exercise of repetition that leads to no catharsis but, instead, begin to reveal the functioning of the machines themselves.
some common procedures: opening, rotating, dragging, blinking, vibrating with an slightly uncomfortable hiss of the motors. repeating, replacing, closing, pulling, scaling, talking and laughing, once again, pinning, draping and cutting, composing. still, moving, spinning, groping, falling, animating, programming and acting. multiplying, rearranging, opening, rotating and blinking. no show. frequent characters: the curtain, the ghost, the hand (and fingers), lamp bulbs, light, mannequins and other anthropomorphic objects.