Artist Statement
My practice explores the dynamic between personal and cultural myths. Specifically I’m interested in how our private narratives are deeply rooted in ancient folklore and storytelling. In my work I interweave female archetypes into sculptural hybrids in order to examine ideas of identity, gender, and craft.
My main medium of work is wearable sculpture and performance. I work in a technique called tufting, making hand-made carpet textile, which I then transform into wearable sculptures. I begin by creating a pattern of a three-dimensional form, followed by manually tufting each piece of the pattern, and finally assembling it into a wearable, tufted sculpture.
The wearable sculpture functions as both a garment that is performed in as well as a free-standing sculpture. Through this medium, I examine how elements associated with the domestic sphere such as textiles and carpet operate as an extension of the self and reflect one's heritage and gender role. In my performances the tufted, domestic carpet serves as an external added layer of skin, which hides the physical body but exposes fragments of the self.