
© Noah Schneiderman

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Noah Schneiderman

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Artist Statement

My paintings function as mirrors to my inner life and as objects of spiritual utility. In my most recent work, I use dyes made from materials found in nature including mud, barks, roots, flowers, and insects. Different swatches of dyed canvas are then sewn together to create a new image, a gestalt which acts as a spring board for the painting process to take place.

The incidental mark-making that emerges through the dyeing process is the basis for my intuited forms and discovered imagery. These discoveries help to cultivate an understanding of self and an understanding of the world. This confluence of the internal and external bridges the gap between the material and immaterial, revealing questions about who and what we are. Informed by nature, memory, and the mystical, my work is an attempt to lift that which lies just beneath the surface of everyday life.

© Noah Schneiderman

Noah Schneiderman's Portfolio

© Noah Schneiderman

Artist Biography

Noah Schneiderman is a multi-disciplinary artist born in Illinois in 1996. Noah's primary focus are his painting and natural dye practices. He lives and works in Los Angeles, CA.



© Noah Schneiderman

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