Artist Statement
If the moment is just right, the air between things can oscillate.
Is this a conversation?
Or, just another act of spatial breathing?
Heated air, is expanded air.
So, blow on it faster.
But, the term oscillation itself is a funny thing to bring up in terms of material objects; sculpture; but collectively allows for a proposed momentum in time and space. This momentum is a possible line with a definitive solution one way or another; one that we come across every once and a while, sometimes unknowingly; one that we can choose to make contact with or without; Keep blowing; Regardless, we are defined by the boundaries that this line draws as we are left with the air that is contained; condensing into vapor.
But, what type of utility is this exchange?
Materials remain as materials, and idle through functionality; compromised in visibility; as a doubling effect; or as an act of disappearance; performing under possible considerations; of preparation, of application, and of use value.
Within this framework, I am interested in revealing the current social and political infrastructures that are assembled materially within our urban construct, and question how they are defined or transformed by an individual; as a participant, or as noncompliant. Within this navigational inquiry, I investigate frameworks of value in relation to the function of material objects, systems of circulation, architectural models, and facets of identity. Through various means of displacement and intervention, I collect material objects that locate failure within these designed systems in order to raise questions of authority and authenticity. As a facilitator, I compose wall oriented works in relation to sculptural configurations that perform through the evidence of a found, or enacted material process. The accumulation of my work seeks to layer both the objective and queering subjective in the re-articulation of materiality that compromises an object or thing, allowing for new possible relations unfold.