
© Astri Snodgrass

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Astri Snodgrass

Boise, Idaho

Artist Statement

Born of a sense of playfulness, my work engages with craft as a language, family histories, the passage of time, and daily domestic tasks. My practice is like compost, cycling the old with the new to create fertile territory.

Ancient dyers had a popular saying that any weed can be a dye. I see in this phrase a delightful potentiality, a refreshing shift in perspective away from uselessness and undesireability towards a creative optimism.

This is why I am drawn to quilts and collage, as both are strategies of infinite possibility and regeneration. Quilts interest me for their connection to thrift, in many ways the antithesis of endless consumption.

My paper quilts rearrange stains into order. I think of stains in relation to garments and caring for laundry, a context where such marks are undesirable or even shameful – particularly when an item has sentimental value like a family heirloom. I’m interested in this unglamorous, gendered and underappreciated labor for its importance in shifting to a more sustainable mode of living.

© Astri Snodgrass

Astri Snodgrass's Portfolio

© Astri Snodgrass

Artist Biography

Astri Snodgrass is an artist and educator based in Boise, Idaho. She holds an MFA in Studio Art from the University of Alabama and a BA in Art and Spanish from Luther College. Studies in Norway and Argentina helped shape her interests in language, light, and perception. Her work has been exhibited nationally in solo and group shows at COOP Gallery, mild climate, and Channel to Channel in Nashville, Tennessee, the Fuel and Lumber Company in Birmingham, Alabama, The University of North Carolina Asheville, the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the University of West Georgia. She has been an Artist-in-Residence at Studios Midwest, Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences, VCCA, and Vermont Studio Center. Snodgrass is an Assistant Professor of Drawing and Painting at Boise State University.



© Astri Snodgrass

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